>>2407470>>2407471pretty simple to grasp.
the nu environmentalism cult began with the mit paper 'limits to growth' and gained first traction through a bunch of books published anonymously as the club of rome, which is now well known to be written by the former head of the wef.
it exists because there is a genuine demand among normal people like you and i for the environment to be treated better.
our governments, politicians, and the companies you buy everything from, despite what they may tell you don't want to do this. especially if you're in a western capitalist country.
so you're sold a lie that if you focus on this one tiny aspect of environmentalism (manmade carbon emissions) its okay to ignore all other pollutants. you're told to chastise normal everyday people for the car they drive, then you turn around and buy shit off
amazon.com which came to you overseas from china on a container ship, a few of which emit more carbon than every car in america.
that's why anon with zero understanding of what a geological time scale is let alone a basic grasp of the earth's history is posting 30 year long graphs and saying "this is proof that its man's fault the earth is becoming a greenhouse" as if that's not normal shit that should be expected around this long after an ice age.
i'm saying your head's in the right place but muh carbon bullshit stops actual environmental action from ever happening. you're accepting that by buying "greener" products from the companies raping the earth you're "doing the right thing"
also fuck greenpeace for shitting up the nazca lines and stop littering in the woods you hippie fucks i have to pack out 10lbs every time i take a hike these days.