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No.2405747 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anons, I want to get away from the family's nonsense - love them all, but sometimes I need a fucking day or two completely alone.
I love my property too - it is massive, 65 acres of pure forest.
Which structure do I build to hide away from them?
A dugout?

>inb4: stop being weak and tell them you want some privacy
I can, and they will do their best to respect it, but they're just in-fucking-capable of giving someone their privacy (they have the best intentions in mind, but for fucks' sake it's impossible to get some peace and quiet.)

Easier if I just said I was going camping on the property for 2 days, they don't go into the woods anyways.
Would the dugout be the best option for this?
I'd also like to get a little modelmaking / carpentry setup in there, a little table and what-not.
Not sure if I should have it UNDER the ground, or ABOVE the ground, or even in the treeline (hell a fucking treehouse?)

The point isn't to be undetectable, I just want a place with some privacy that isn't IMMEDIATELY accessible to them.
>can be slept in
>enough space for a little workbench (maybe a model railroad setup in N scale, but that's about all)
>shit can be concealed in it (got certain stuff I'm not comfortable storing indoors - fire / poison hazards), think tannerite
>cool in the summer, warm in the winter
So far, I'm thinking dugout.
I'd like to make it a little nice, thinking dirt foundation with joists, and a floating plywood floor, plywood walls?
Might do log walls instead - got a lot of little trees here.

I feel like this is the perfect question to ask on /out/.
I appreciate it, anons.