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/out/ philosophy and worldview

!3vleSHTMRc No.2409575 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This thread is an experiment with a new type of /out/ thread. It will be close to the personal blog that is so reviled on this site. However, I have considered this board and I think this could be a good fit. This board is slow and there are many zombie threads that aren't being posted in anymore, so this thread will not be taking up space that would have been used by a more productive thread.

This thread will be a series a short essays, written by me, exploring and expounding on my view of the world as it relates to /out/. I will keep these posts as strictly /out/ as I can so that this does not break board rules.

I am happy to discuss anything I post with you. Please be civil. This will not a thread for fighting, but discussing. If you want to contribute a short essay, like I will be doing, feel free. I will be trip-coding to keep my own essays identifiable.

A short explanation on myself so that you can understand where I come from. I am a devout Christian, so that will influence my writing, but these will not be focused on Christianity unless it directly intersects with my /out/ musings. I am a gardener and frequent /hgm/. I enjoy lots of /out/ activities, but am not as avid at any so much as gardening.

I will take my time writing these, so my second post may not come for a bit. I can field questions etc. in the meantime.