>>2410915totally bro (pic related is just to demonstrate the amount of animals humans can kill in a very short period of time.)
anything that moves will be eaten; if it doesn't starve to death from a lack of vegetation.
i don't think you understand the dynamics of millions upon millions of hungry people though... i get that it sounds like a somewhat far fetched scenario; however if the food supply does collapse it'll be a very swift descent into chaos. In the US at least there's a very tightly orchestrated dance of logistics needed to keep your local grocery store stocked with those tendies.
>fertilizer shortages: whoopsie, gonna be a bad harvest this year.>water: mega drought owoo can't irrigate, gonna be a bad harvest this year.>diesel prices through the roof: going to be expensive to harvest, ship, and manufacture those tendies.it's hubris to assume that this system will continue to run without a hitch forever and ever. Just because nothing has gone seriously wrong in your lifetime, does that mean it will continue to run smoothly.. because reasons?
How many revolutions in the history of mankind have been sparked over food? (cost, availability?) If a grocery store has 3 days worth of food on hand at any given point, what would happen if a region (say the mid atlantic) had trouble keeping grocery stores stocked for a week or so? Would those 30 or so million people behave themselves?