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Rate my way of choosing a hiking/camping trail.

No.242778 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I wanna go hiking and camping for a week or two in Scotland because I really enjoy the weather and nature there. This is how I got it planned so far:
>arrive at some airport in either Glasgow or Edinburgh
>use public transportation to get to Ullapool (Google says that takes about 5 hours)
>go pic related
>arrive at Fort William
>use public transportation to get back to either Glasgow or Edinburgh
>fly back

So here is how I picked the trail, I just went on Google-maps and looked for sections in between these two towns that have nice landscapes and are far from civilization. Also I obviously made it so I avoid having to cross any lakes or rivers. Also I am just assuming that I won't come across any impassable mountains or valleys. (I am quite /fit/ and have done something similar in Sweden and as a kid in Scotland already so a little bit of steepness won't kill me)

What do you think /out/? Is that really a good trial or will I just end up walking on the side of roads for miles, looking for a way to come around one steep mountain?
Also, I want to do that during Easter, is that a good time?