>>2435214>>2434063Here in Aus it depends on specialty and seniority.
ED and GP are the easiest to work part-time from early on. Most GPs in large practices work 4 days a week or less. 4x10h shifts is standard for emergency but most departments will be pretty accepting of people who want to work 2x10, it'll slow progression through the training program though.
It's also extremely easy to pick up casual contracts as a locum doctor filling in where hospitals or private practices are short-staffed (especially rural Aus) and they generally pay well enough that you can get by working week on/week off or the like.
Working part-time is uncommon in some specialties but possible if you negotiate with the hospital and are willing to accept a delay in career progression - I know junior docs working part-time in psych, paediatrics and medical administration. There are some specialties where asking for a part-time contract (or even asking to not work more than 40h/wk) is likely to completely torpedo your interview (surgery, anaesthetics, cardiology, etc).
Once you're a consultant hours are entirely up to you as far as I can tell. Maybe there are some differences from specialty to specialty but that's never something I've had a long conversation with my bosses about. Most senior docs I know work part-time public and part-time private.