>>244086I would argue sog powerlock pliers with compound leverage are just as good/better than any 5" set of pliers on the market. Obviously when you jump to 8" lineman pliers(Like Klein, knipix or even craftsman) the dedicated pair will do better.
I have never had a multitool plier break on me, but i know it does happen and 99% of the time its because the tool is defective. Obviously that counts for nothing if you're in a situation where you are relying on the tool, but it is important to keep in mind most humans lack the physical strength to break a proper plier head on a multitool.
The newest swiss tool is actually designed to make it damn-near impossible to break. I have an old one from '99 and my brother bought a new one a few days ago. The plier head's literally about 20% bigger and pivots on the other side(so its reenforced when you would loosen, as opposed to tightening). Still not as stout and powerful as my USA sog(before they made it a needlepoint and moved to taiwan) but deff. something the typical person would never be able to break.
Than theres the leatherman skeletool/freestyle... which are a joke, and i wouldnt use for anything more than pulling staples our of wood.