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Beginner homesteading

No.2439554 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Europoor here, just inherited my great-grandfather's countryside villa 4 months ago. The problem is that, since my grandfather passed away, in 1991, my grandmother has, for the most part, kept it unchecked. She tore all the vineyard, and left the land without tilling nor work.
Now I must put up with 30 years of abandonment, and I am unsure how to start. I planted some olive trees because >med best race, but there's still a long way to go.
The only thing I've done was getting animals (pigs, goats, chckens, ducks) during COVID.
In the picture you will see an orange tree taken over by a mixture of bramble and wild vineyard. I've caught some berries and wild grapes, but I don't know what to do with the grapes (my wife cooked cheesecakes with the berries and I made liquor with the ones left).
What are your best tips for an absolute beginner? For my country, this property is pretty big, more than enough to take care of a family. (almost 10 acres). I will be free until the Army calls me back, in November, so I have slightly less than 3 months to work here.