minor story time:
>be me, buy forest land and build house>house nearing completion, very small window for painting interior before flooring subs come to install carpet>2am, wrapping up painting, slighly inebriated (you can't paint without alcohol, it's impossible)>sit out back to have some water and relax before driving back into town>hear rustling in bushes>hear weird growling sound>sounds like it's getting closer>oh_fuck.jpg>house doesn't have doors or windows yet, no protection>run to car, drive to gate>fumble with lock, swear you hear predator hissing in background>get gate open, hop back in car, GTFOpic related is what i was hearing and in my inebriated state, afraid of. (mountain beaver)
3 years later:
>hike through woods at dusk>see black bear 20 feet away>oh fuck off yogi.with familiarity you get used to it anon. allow yourself to be a complete pussy at first, learn that there's really nothing to be afraid of -- other than cougars, but with them you won't even know it's coming, so why worry?