You guys are lucky, my parents ask me what I want for Christmas? Give them a list, tell them I really want a new Axe, Gransfors or Wetterlings, some nice winter baselayers, Wool socks, some /out/ gear. I didn't expect to get everything I listed, it was more just a suggestion guide.
They fucking got me a portable charcoal grill, cook books, and a bunch of random shit that I didn't even want. I don't mean to be ungrateful and I appreciate getting anything at all. But you guys are just lucky to have parents who listen to you and get you things that you might enjoy getting.
I'm just pissed that I put so much effort and thought into finding their fucking x-mas gifts for them to just pick up daily sales on Hell I even went to church on Christmas eve for them. Not one single /out/ gift when that's all I asked for. I'm not even doing holidays next year and I'm going to steal the fucking Fenix PD35 that I got for my dad along with the Howard Leight electronic muffs.. fucking dick. And fuck the custom engraved Case knife I got for my mom.