>>2448783Let them know I am well armed and capable. Might save their lives. In my case I have a cane and you know how people hate the handicapable. It is like I have "kill me" tattooed on my forehead.
Handguns are useless past fifty to seventy five yards. A perp at a hundred is safe and he can engage you with a .22 rimfire rifle. Alot of these Mexicans/niggers and even hippie dope growers like AR pistols and braces because they are easy to conceal going to and from their farms. Even if they are putzes among guns, they are still able to engage past a hundred yards. With optics even further. We won't look at user ability.
Let's put this in perspective. I had a real leftist anti gun guy in my shop. He lived on the outskirts of Boulder. He was showing me the trail cam footage of the mountain lions on his property. The feds had just raided the neighboring property. THEY SEIZED 50,000 DOPE PLANTS. I guess arrested 18 Mexicans. This liberal mother had just come to town to buy two AR15s. He said he had no choice. Couldn't find any ammo or magazines though. That was five years ago. I hope he is alright.
I carry my rifle in a home brew "gun bearer" like Kifaru makes. Not so menacing as caring in your hand or slung in front of you. Mine isn't real fast to work because of my buckle on the shoulder strap, but better than nothing and keeps my rifle out of the arc of my right hand movement. It is attached to an internal frame SoC pack. Highly recommended.