>>2464347>Comes into shovel-thread to tell us he doesn't use shovelOk. Post recent /out/ picture, friend.
>Shovels are really heavyCompared to what? My knife is heavier than my shovel.
>Many breakYeah, old stuff is old, you gotta restore it and maintain it in a different way than a Carbonultraplastic Maxtrowel 3000(tm), and you can end up with several things in various conditions and oh my god now you are collecting antiques. Enjoy your new hobby.
>Keep a proper shovel in your vehicleI do. I bought a modern one, but since that one broke, I now keep a full sized surplus shovel in the truck, alongside a surplus folding shovel/pick, both of which are heavier and better digging tools than the multipurpose and rather lightweight shovel I bring with me when on foot.
>Do you even dig broYou tell me, I am one of the guys in picrel here
>>2464071 Might I know a thing or two about digging?
>Do you carry a fucking shovel because you like it?I only ever really do things because I like doing them, or because it is my duty to do them. Why do you do stuff?
>Just use a stick brahFriend, not everyone goes /out/ in the same climate and season as you. Good luck doing that in arid mountainous regions or in cold humid regions kek. I could spend hours fucking around on my busted knees scraping the dirt with a stick, or I could spend seconds or minutes with even a small shovel. That's the point of tools - you might be able to improvise something, but that may or may not be worth it versus carrying a dedicated tool. Depends on your context. Some people carry lighters when they go /out/, rather than fiddle with rubbing sticks together. Some people carry a compass when they go /out/, rather than wait for the stars to appear. Some people carry a shovel when they go /out/, rather than dig like a common chimp. I don't really understand the need for spergs to come into a tool-specific thread and tell the tool-enthusiast that they don't use that tool.