†bh it's a bic lighter, sometimes I use them fuel bricks you can get cheap from the good people at Coghlan's if it's really whett or windy.
I always make an upside down fire (which is hot as hell, slow burning, low maintenance, and burns beautifully with whett wood) and here's my time-testing technique:
>collect big logs or even dead stumps, whett, rotting, punky, solid, it's all good
>those go in the bottom of fire, at least one dense layer but two tiers high if you can
>break up heavy limbs and put those in a couple layers atop the big stuff
>reserve a small pile to the side
>break up branches and pile them up in a teepee or just a tangle of shit
>reserve a small pile to the side
>stuff the tangle of shit with twigs, moss, bark, leaves - anything small and as dry as possible; herein you would plant any fire starter bricks if you really need them
>collect a shit ton of the thinnest and driest dead twigs you can find, organize them into dense, small bundles aka faggots
>hold the bundle tightly and use your Bic to get the ends burning, like a wooden torch you see archeologists use in movies
>once the flame takes purchase onto the faggot, carefully place it into the tangle of flammables
>repeat with remaining faggots
>keep this small fire atop the hulk of wood burning healthily for about 10mins with reserved woodstuffs
>eventually the fire will descend into the limbs, which will create molten coals that will have a China Syndrome effect down into the logs, drying all the wood as it descends and burning accordingly
>literally chill for like 5 hours without having to find more wood
you're welcome
*this is also an Alfie-approved method