>>2468408if he's anything like my 75 year old mom they all share facebook videos fearmongering "new variants" and "the next surge" still. every few weeks one of these videos will make the rounds on social media and suddenly everyone's wearing masks again at the grocery stores in redmond, bellevue, and where all the low iq tech workers reside. the last 3 jabs didn't help but this is the one that will protect them from "the variant"
>>2468426see above. its not like you're scientifically literate yourself. you don't follow medical journals, only uneducated journalism majors' regurgitated opinions of things they never went to school for. i find it hard to believe anyone actually closely following the medical literature took the third or fourth jab. not happening, the medical literature is not favorable to you right now. the first two jabs, sure.
>>2468413how many times have you and your friends gotten covid?
you ever thought it was strange that people like me who didn't take any of the shots never got covid? or only got a mild head cold for a few days at worst?
>>2468432its probably because its a pain in the ass to find a good spot to do it.
- has to be a dayhiking spot near a parking lot
- without too many dayhikers
- without horses
- without mountain bikers
you can run at crowded places but its a pain in the ass kills your tempo constantly, no good. i stopped trailrunning when i moved and no longer had private property worthy of trailrunning on.