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424KiB, 860x752, 296-2964921_transparent-wojak-png-pink-wojak-png-download.png
Quoted By: >>2475590 >>2475607 >>2475614 >>2475632 >>2475635 >>2475641 >>2475750 >>2477502 >>2477538 >>2477588 >>2477715 >>2477756 >>2477772 >>2477795 >>2477909 >>2477955 >>2478377 >>2478857 >>2479071 >>2479133 >>2485463 >>2485471 >>2486647 >>2486692 >>2486705 >>2490356 >>2491292 >>2491293
Everywhere i go in Eu, camping is forbidden by law.
You have to pay for reserved spots in campsites filled with tourists everywhere, how did you start sleeping /out/?
I just placed my tent in Corse and i was about to get arrested by Gendarmerie, risked a 600€ fine in Italy this year.
Please i want to stay /out/ of the cities, help a yuropean anon with your xp
You have to pay for reserved spots in campsites filled with tourists everywhere, how did you start sleeping /out/?
I just placed my tent in Corse and i was about to get arrested by Gendarmerie, risked a 600€ fine in Italy this year.
Please i want to stay /out/ of the cities, help a yuropean anon with your xp