>>2480164>>2479993>>2480636Uncle Ted describes exactly this sentiment.
You see, human beings need to exercise the "power process" to achieve fulfillment - That is, having a goal, working to achieve that goal, and finally, achieving the goal. This means that people need both adversity and a reasonable rate of success at achieving their goals.
Modern society frustrates this by blocking the power process. It is certainly easier to have food and shelter, but because we do not have to work hard for it, people are not mentally well. Modern society also introduces many outcomes completely beyond our control, such as government leadership and the will of the technological system in general. Because people have no control over these outcomes, and their physical needs are met with little effort, the power process is impossible and people become agitated.
In contrast, a rural lifestyle means that you're working for your own health and safety. By managing your garden and herd, you are meeting your own physical needs. By building and maintaining your own house, you are meeting your own shelter needs. As such, it may not be simpler - But it is better for the soul because you understand that you are in control of your own destiny.