>>2482286Back from another ban, yep. I spent my vacation studying the r u n e s.
>shorter bootsAll the boots I use are mid-height ankle boots, incl. the Lowas shown with the gaiters. I don't know how gaiters and puttees would interface with tall boots - probably a lot less useful as this anon points out
>>2482523The issued pants when I was in had elastic drawstrings, and we just ran the elastic around and under the boot itself. They wore out all the time obviously, but it was easy to replace. However, the highspeed Cryes didn't have that feature, and were made for medium sized humanoids, not Nordic tallbois, so I bought gaiters to go with that (and replace the rainpants that I never cared enough to go digging in my pack for anyway).
>different usesI've only used the long puttees when going through very brushy/thorny terrain in the excessive heat of summer, when combined with thin linen summer pants. They protect from thorns and so on. When its warm, they come off as soon as possible. When its cooler, they can stay on to add some warmth since the pants are very thin. My long puttees are also modern repros, and not woven to the proper dimensions, but cut from a larger piece of wool. Not optimal.
Short puttees are my default when wearing loose pants. Both puttee lengths can wrap over or inside the boot's edge for different types of comfy and protection. In the winter, I wear wool pants, so short puttees are sufficient to simply close the gap and prevent the intrusion of pebbles and the like.
I'd put the gaiters on on top of the puttees if I was going hiking in very wet weather. They are more waterproof than wool puttees, but don't look as neat. I legitimately find the puttees to be a solid vibe. Replacing them is also cheaper than replacing frayed pants.