>>2509051not really, if you think there's anything ambiguous about der ewige ruski, wherever and whenever he might liberate, you're at best a clueless retard trying to sound smart and impartial or at worst a disingenuous rat
there is no "hot mess" in having to die defending your country from mongol mystery meat again, only a pampered westernoid would think this way because it was so long he forgot the last time - if ever, his people actually had to fight for and protect their country from foreign invaders, let alone imagine who they're dealing with after selling out half of europe to these "people"
all in all there's little difference from the leftist westernoids of 50 years ago drooling over how good life must have been in the commie states because they read about it somewhere, you're equally ignorant but full of yourselves and don't feel any shame thinking people who have actual life and historical experience with these issues might read it
just as there are no "good people" that even flee from their drafts but won't even symbolically protest against it in their host countries, there are only goycattle because the gene pool has been thoroughly dried up after hundreds of years of buckbreaking, improsining and gulaging every semblance of
intelligence and opposition
so the less cannon fodder, the safer for everyone around, simple as