'sup faggots.
Wiganer weighing in here.
Once you get out of our urban centres, there's a fair wedge of the UK that's good for getting /out/, even if it is just three-day walks and such. There's nothing on the scale of the USA or France, with enormous forests and wildlife and such, but it does still exist. Hell, walking the canals is a good way of seeing a LOT of scenery; for example, the Leeds-Liverpool canal literally goes from Leeds to Liverpool, and goes through a whole lotta countryside. You've got the Norfolk Broads, pretty much the entire fucking coastline, Wales, The Peak District, The Lake District, a fair section of the North-East, Scotland and on top of that, a lot of the areas around Huddersfield and Wigan are good for walking. Oh, and I forgot! You have Rivington Pike, along with a lot of the areas near Blackburn and Burnley.
So shut the FUCK up telling me you can't get /out/ in the UK. Our shithole of an island has plenty going for it; if any of you fucktards had even set foot outside of your bedrooms.
No, you don't get to go /out/ and practice "muh batoning" and "xtr3m3 survival 1337 burr gryllz" shit, but there's loads of good walking, climbing, boating and camping to be had. And like previously fucking mentioned, as long as you're not behaving like a tit, 90% of people don't even know you're there. Us Brits are generally excellent at looking at anything and going "not my fuckin' problem, mate."