>>2515507>apparently the city mandated that people not drive or leave their houses last week during the snow/ice stormThat's been a possibility here in France for 30 years in the weather alert system, it isn't actually used (because it costs money).
Green : no probable threat.
Yellow : minor risk, be wary of localized events (minor flooding in marshlands and canyons, rotten branches falling because it's the 1st storm in 6 months, etc...)
Orange : moderate risk ; beware. Avoid going out if possible, don't go on the fucking pier to "see the big waves" (retards still do it despite the creation of a dedicated submersion risk alert for coastlines).
Outdoor events cancelled.
The usual alert level every time a storm hits.
Red : High risk. You must stay at home/shelter unless necessary. Beware, for your house/car may not constitute adequate shelter. A shitton of public places close.
I've witnessed it only once (2013 ; 2 meters of snow felled mid-March on the northern coastal plain that only see a few inches once every 5 years ). Most people didn't even know that "Red Alert" existed here in the mainland and what it meant, but it's often declared in colonies for tropical storms.
Scarlet : Extreme risk.
Your house (hell, maybe your whole city) is probably not a safe place to stay in. Seek adequate shelter. Emergency Services workers (911) themselves won't operate at Scarlet Level.
Sometimes declared overseas for Class 5 hurricanes and tsunamis.