>>251981While, I'm sorry that /k/ was shitty with you, it's day /k/are hours right now. This is not the board for this topic. We are not an extension of /k/. Firearms can be discussed if /out/ related. But we are not here to talk military strategy. We'll talk about /out/door, urban, and wilderness survival, though. But ask /k/ again later, there will be people who will be much more receptive and helpful than /out/.
If they give you shit for it, tell them it has nothing to do with /out/ and military strategies are very /k/ related. It's only the asshats who know nothing about the subject on /k/ that are telling you to take it to another board.
I'm not trying to be a dick, really. This just isn't the place for it and /k/ runoff isn't always well received.