Not so much a joke but a funny story:
>On a trail in TN
>Part I was on is close to the parking lot so it was very crowded.
>They had a ladder like maybe 15 feet to get up over a cliff section.
>Waited at the bottom because I was not feeling all that well in the stomach.
>Night before was hungry from hiking so I ate 2x Peak Refuel Coconut Chicken Curry.
>That morning had had a MH Veggie Chorizo breakfast scramble and a few GU gel packets, 2x powder coffee, could handfuls GORP.
>Generally felt unstettled so waited for no one to be around before I got on the ladder.
>Like halfway up some dumb ass kid comes running in in front of his parents.
>Tried to tell him only 1 person on the ladder at a time but he climbs right up behind me.
>Strain to go from top of ladder on to the cliff caused me to let go in my pants.
>It pretty much was like I wasn't even wearing pants, what came out went right on through them, some was down my leg.
>The kid is of course fully showered in it.
>He starts hollering, his parents at the bottom are hollering.
>I said something like "told you one person at a time" and I fuckin ran.
Kept running down that trail as fast as I could go until I couldn't hear anyone behind me then I ducked off into the woods. People at the top were taking pictures with their phones and shit but I hid my face and just fuckin ran bro.