>>2531132They provide rubber boots, rain gear, gloves and all the necessary PPEs.
>>2531264>Also what prompted the move to work long term? Is it family or mental health related?It just makes sense $$ wise since I'll be making 2.5x what I make at home and considering they provide housing too it's a no brainer for me.
>God speed anonThanks friend.
>>2531385Thanks for the tips anon.
>>2531450>What job will you be doing on the farm?It's a small, family owned organic farm so I'll spending a shitton of time removing weeds manually, picking fruits and vegetables, helping with planting, setting up irrigation tubes etc.
I would prefer to work with livestock, fixing fences, cleaning shit or whatever but I'll take it. I fucked up at school and I can't work inside all day on a warehouse, fast food or factory listening to some power tripping baboon yelling at me, I much rather being outside enjoying the sun and listening to birds while I dig some hole or carry a wheelbarrow full of produce.
Removing weeds is really soul and back crushing though.
>>2531530Yeah, farms have a crazy shortage of laborers.