[16 / 1 / 12]
>be me, 24
>tired of shitty mcjobs so I join a landscape company
>discover working outdoors is amazing for my mental health
>outwork the previous years' team by 3-4x on some jobs.
>work through the season learning everything possible
>everyone takes a break through winter.
>come back in spring
>immediately get put on a probationary period for "inefficient working"
>fuck that, quit
>get hired at other company next day
>go to work day later
>team lead acknowledges how hard I've worked. says he rarely gives compliments but I went above and beyond today.
It's not like many people are frothing at the mouths trying to get into this business. retaining employees is hard enough. why gaslight your hard working employees just to lose them to your competition? people are weird.
>tired of shitty mcjobs so I join a landscape company
>discover working outdoors is amazing for my mental health
>outwork the previous years' team by 3-4x on some jobs.
>work through the season learning everything possible
>everyone takes a break through winter.
>come back in spring
>immediately get put on a probationary period for "inefficient working"
>fuck that, quit
>get hired at other company next day
>go to work day later
>team lead acknowledges how hard I've worked. says he rarely gives compliments but I went above and beyond today.
It's not like many people are frothing at the mouths trying to get into this business. retaining employees is hard enough. why gaslight your hard working employees just to lose them to your competition? people are weird.