There was a pod of Orca in Australia in the whaling days that would round up other species of Whale out at sea and muster them in to a bay. Then one Orca names Old Tom would go and slap his tail near the shore to get the attention of the Whalers, who would paddle out and harpoon the Whales, the Orca would then help tow the whales in to shore by biting the rope. Then the Whalers get to work processing the kill and feed the livers and tongues and parts the Orca liked to the Orca before they cut it up for themselves, the offal would also attract smaller fish that the Orca would eat.
Eventually though, some dude who wasn't part of the whaling crew shot one of the Orca and they stopped helping. Only Old Tom kept coming back and another dude managed to pull some of his teeth out in a tug of war because he didn't want to give the first dibs on food to the Orca, so he got angry and tried to swim off with the carcass on a rope. It's thought losing his teeth possibly lead to his death, His skeleton is on display in a Whaling Museum and you can go and see where his teeth are worn out from years of pulling the ropes.
Smart bastards.