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447KiB, 1500x1000, Glacier-National-Park-montana-2-e1620889934446.jpg
There'd be less hate, more love. Less rancor, more peace. Less racism, more race unity.
I legit used to be a nazi /pol/ tier freak. A 13 day back country camping trip changed me. Since then I've been /out/ing as much as possible and I realize life is short... why hate? Nature breeds love. When you are capable of self-reliance in the wilderness then you have no need to hate because no matter what you can be by yourself.
I legit used to be a nazi /pol/ tier freak. A 13 day back country camping trip changed me. Since then I've been /out/ing as much as possible and I realize life is short... why hate? Nature breeds love. When you are capable of self-reliance in the wilderness then you have no need to hate because no matter what you can be by yourself.