>>2614128>>2613311these arguments as a whole are clearly, on both sides made by people with little to zero experience being around grizzly bears, polar bears, or really bears at all.
anyone with a lick of experience to speak from knows the correct take is that bear bells, whistles, throwing rocks, bear mace, and firearms are all effective deterrents or ways to stop a bear attack.
>97%that number is fake and comes from a boomer ammo salesman's website.
but guns are the most effective way to deal with bears.
don't get me wrong.
there's actual data on it in this book:
https://archive.org/details/bearattackstheir00herr/page/n9/mode/2up but its old
a lot of bear attacks happen at night time, when using the bathroom, and other circumstances where the gun might not be with you so its not a be all end all. plenty of people with guns die in bear attacks. you should always have a few redundant ways of dealing with bears when in bear country. in addition i've had hundreds of bear encounters and only felt even close to needing to take a shot a few times. i used to walk along streams in the yukon with grizzlies on the other side following me for hours. bears really aren't a big deal in most circumstances a whistle blow or a stone toss makes them fuck off. and don't get me started on anons that are afraid of black bears.