>>262670Lolwhut? Barbed wire has never, and will never, be banned in the UK. However, if you dont post signage you're liable for ANY injury caused; therefore, signs are practically a requirement.
They did, however, ban broken glass concreted to the top of walls as a security measure; it was deemed inhumane and the wounds caused overly grievous.
Also; on uk law and sharp pointy things:
In the UK, it is legal to carry a blade under 3 inches with good purpose. That, however, is subject to where and how you use it. Any larger blade should be carried in a bag of some variety, however if you are thought to be carrying either for an illegal purpose(I.E. imma go stab a bitch/self defence) then you will be detained and the knife confiscated. A scalpel in a first aid kit, while kinda unneccessary, would NOT get you detained at all. Unless you pulled it out and threatened to shank a bitch.
Also; just to clarify:
Self defence ISNT illegal in the UK. However, using a weapon IS. Unless some form of mitigating circumstance(they were armed/tried to rape you/there were multiple persons) then you can expect prosecution