>>2632776he's right, they recently passed laws making it illegal to actually continuously or even temporarily camp on public land in the US aka no longer technically legal for you to actually use public land to camp in the US
only legal if you go to "legal campgrounds" that "pay state and federal taxes" to "have camping lots and such"
same reason Florida is going downhill and shit, and trailer parks no longer are viable places to park and camp year round in your own RV
they, as in Senators and every elected official WANT all tax dollars and such for every US citizen
they are literally pulling the rung up and removing all retirement and no more working til the day you retire options for everyone
camping can be done ONLY in designated area's and states, funding for parks to allow people to camp for a couple days and then move on in public land is being revoked, legally speaking steadily state by state, as well as on the Federal level.
Campgrounds are also being slowly revoked, unless its owned by corporations that literally pay off Senators and other corporate backed politicians. No more allowance for private citizen campgrounds. Especially since private landowners WANT any and all NICE PLOTS OF LAND and are actively buying up all private land around said federal/state land to "get free fed/state public land" as a freebee bonus paid for by the people.
No dooming here, its the new status quo. No schizo.
Look up the remaining video's of people complaining about less and less public land and such for actual free range camping and retirements. No one can legally RV, and/or "stealth van" no longer, in more and more locations either.
Not a problem for Richfags and their massive bank accounts/trust funds that keep their insurance and other shit fully funded.
Everyone else can no longer retire, live in a RV/Van and travel til they die no longer.