>>2642211>No rattlesnakesThat's sad the eastern diamondback is probably the most stunning viper on earth.
>>2642212Also it sounds like you guys should get off the trail a little more... I mean I realize in forests made-up exclusively of conifers etc. the underbrush is very limited and sparse but you have get off the trail sometimes.
My home sits on a rise that backs up to about a 100acre swamp/bottom land bordered on one side by about 150 acres of pastures dotted by big oaks, and on the other side by a rise of about 60 acres of natural upland longleaf pine/wiregrass grasslands. I would t trade it for the world tbqh.
But all tough-guy shit aside- I'm not walking around in the woods with crocs on lol you'd be retarded to do that. Like I said the brambles alone are too thick for that much less the snakes. Also maybe in movies and stuff snakes are just sitting in the open but alot of times in the woods they are concealed. Anyone who wasn't larping would know this.