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Encounter with wolves

No.2648625 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me this morning
>be alone
>be grouse hunting in northern minnesota, dark cloudy and misting rain
>be roughly 3 miles into woods
>hear some noise in the distance
>start hearing a very low, gutteral howl followed by yelping and higher pitched howls
>face goes numb, hair on back of my neck stands up, hearts beating like crazy, piss shit and cum in my pants all at the same time
>'holy fuck what do I do'
>tfw howling feels like it's getting louder, won't stop
>just sitting there standing in the middle of this shitty atv trail thinking about being eaten alive by a bunch of rabid wolves
>slowly start walking back
>howling stopped
>hour later and I return to my car alive
I know wolves rarely ever attack humans but holy fuck was this scary. Such an eerie feeling being stuck on a trail in the middle of nowhere with wolves nearby. Any of you ever had a similar experience? My only regret was not filming or recording it. I was in such a state of shock that I didn't even think to.