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No.2651560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
October chads of /out/, how are you preparing/what are you doing for the best month of the year?

>Most stable weather out West , best for rock climbing
>Maximum snowmelt in the Southwest
>Preseason powder in Northwest
>Enhanced sunsets/sunrises due to air quality everywhere
>Sunrise/Sunset times are actually perfect to enjoy them without alpine start/early day end
>Comfy temps in most places
>Peak foliage for all of East Coast Mountains sometime in the month
>Eclipse this year on 14OCT out West
>Columbus Day Weekend, Halloween
>Start of most hunting seasons
>Bushwhacking becomes easier due to foliage

>Map of peak foliage (where the trees are the most colorful)
>Details about the 14OCT solar eclipse

pic is the Keyhole on Longs last year on 09OCT