I ran a MeetUp group for a little over two years. It had 120+ members, and did trips every other week. These were specifically backpacking trips. I’ve also been to several hammock meetups organized on HammockForums, which are car camping events.
There’s always a non-zero chance that someone will show up unprepared, either with regards to equipment or physical fitness. You can mitigate that by hand-holding or keeping the trips easy, but it will still happen. Considering the level of discourse on this board, I think that chance is pretty high.
I guess it’s a Catch-22, or something. If you set up a tough hiking trip you filter out some people just because of the difficulty but are more likely to have some fat fuck who thinks his big number squat somehow relates to endurance because reasons (or “it’s just walking, it’ll be easy”), then finds himself struggling to breathe after a few miles. But car camping is more accessible and schizo friendly, ergo semen brownies.