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Quoted By: >>2661633 >>2661637 >>2661642 >>2661643 >>2661658 >>2661766 >>2661768 >>2661932 >>2661960 >>2662294 >>2662303 >>2662326 >>2662736 >>2663061 >>2663300
Today I went to check on my garden and almost stepped on a snek. It rattled its tail on some fallen leaves and made a rattling noise. I could see it wasn't a rattler but the fact that it surprised me and my kitties were coming to see what it was made me a little nervous so I wacked it with a stick until it was dead then chucked it Inna woods. When it was dead and still I saw it was just a rat snake. He was heading towards my bird feeder, probably to get some sun and see if he could snag a shrew or mouse or something that gets the fallen birdseed.
I killed a frenly snek who was just looking for a snack and warming up. Now I have the big sads. I'm sorry Mr. Snek. I didn't want to kill you, I just panicked.
I'm a snek killer. I did something bad. Will nature forgive me?
I killed a frenly snek who was just looking for a snack and warming up. Now I have the big sads. I'm sorry Mr. Snek. I didn't want to kill you, I just panicked.
I'm a snek killer. I did something bad. Will nature forgive me?