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Ted Kaczynski on why he values nature

No.2662740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"To speak for myself, my own commitment to wild nature grew out of the fact that living close to it satisfied my deepest needs. It gave me freedom, it gave me purposeful work, it gave me tranquility, it offered me beauty that no human work of art could remotely approach. It gave me all of those things, and more, as an integrated whole and as a way of life. Consequently, it gave me a sense that life was satisfying and well worth living.

So I came to love wild nature because of what it gave me. You can call that anthropocentric, if you like, but I don’t think anyone becomes committed to nature merely by divine dispensation."

Why do you think you value nature? Are some people just born with a greater appreciation for the wilderness or (as Kaczynski says) do they come to appreciate it because of what it offers them?
