>>2665401See I think your entire post just screams that you are taking it personal. I have been to a number of different landscapes and types of forest in the west but I've never lived there and it takes years and multiple seasons and cycles to really get a grip for a place, however, it doesn't mean I'm calling a place ugly or something because it doesn't have nearly as much diversity in trees etc. I mean that's just a fact when you look at the east- especially the southeast- with hardwoods in particular, and the same goes for woody shrubs etc. And pretty much any classification of plant life. It has mostly to do with the hot wet climate being good for plant growth.
Again, I'm just pointing out some comparative weaknesses and strengths of certain places. I mean if you call parts of the country flat I'm not going to get pissy about it because it is just true kek.
You know in a show of good faith, and maybe to help diffuse the way you are taking this- I'll mention a rarely brought-up asset of being out west.. in the west the soil is so rocky and you get this pretty rocky shore on freshwater ways. In alot of the east the soil is not rocky at all and you get this gradual sort of soggy transition around waterways which is honestly less aesthetic. However, I'm not backing off what I said about the trees and forests in the west being sort of a comparative bore, because in most places it is 100% true.