Mexican agricultural " revolution" is the cause of all buffelgrass in the southern states. Mexico brought it to experiment and it never did work as a forage for cattle. They planted millions of acres and effectively killed the land and native species of plants and animals. It spreads on the winds.
I'm from Arizona not far from the border, southern Pima Co.
I've always enjoyed the big rocky hills and mountain ranges and hiking the flats, in all weather, all year long.
I've watched the crawl of buffel spreading up the steep hill I hiked up as a child with my family over the years.
The south-facing side of the slope buffel has gone up hundreds of meters and you can see how all the cacti are petering out, no more native shrubs.
The other side of hill the north facing, it remains in shade all year because of the steep top ridges. No buffel to be seen.
It needs sunlight and water. The road sides get long patches of buffel due to the runoff from the pavement. But it won't go far from road into desert proper.
You can dig it out by the root ball. But it is everywhere now. Nothing will eat it or live in it.