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first 3/4 day hike advice

No.2696354 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm planning my first 3/4 day hike, for now I've only done 2 days straight out max.
ive found this place with cool lakes, so my plan is to get there one the first day, set up camp, explore the lakes the second day, set up camp, and come back the third, I allotted a fourth one because I dont know if one day will be enough to explore the lakes or if it will take 2, given that I want to do take it easy when I'm up there and take a good look.

the terrain is rocky, and since it's now winter it'll be covered in snow and ice so it's a bit of a shit to traverse, but I got the equipment, snowshoes, winter leather boots, crampons, winter layers etc.
once up there I expect it will be cold as shit since it's around 2600/2900m depending on the lake.

I will post the map and the location link so you can take a look, if anyone has any advice I'd be interested, im just trying not to die.