>>272089>>272089"Chipmunks" and "Squirrels" are new slang to me, but according to earlier posts Chipmunk seems to be somebody's Trail Name, and a Squirrel sounds like somebody who operates on a very limited budget.
Other than that:
White Blazer- someone who hikes the trail all the way, usually with a niggling insistence that those who don't are doing it wrong (The trail is designated by a white blaze)
Blue Blazer- Someone who substitutes a portion of the trail with a side trail (Say I take the Creeper Trail out of Damascus rather than the AT, or choose to do the five mile Gulf Haagas Loop and bypass a mile of the AT in the process. Side trails near the AT are usually designated with a blue blaze)
Yellow Blazing- To hitchhike, or otherwise bypass a section of the trail in a car. Looked down on by most of the community. (This is a reference to the dashed yellow line in the center of paved road where drivers are allowed to pass)
Pink Blazing- Means you're getting laid.
Brown Blazing- detouring of the trail to take a shit.
Aqua Blazing- Taking a canoe, kayak, or other small watercraft down the Shenandoah River rather than hiking through Shenandoah National Park (I though it was a ton of fun, but your mileage may vary)
Slack-Packing- To hike a section with a light daypack, with the intention of making it to a hostel, support vehicle, or trail angel by the end of the day. These people hold your regular pack for a fee, or out of the goodness of their heart (fun every now and then, but ties you to a schedule more than I like.)
Yogi, to Yogi, Yogi-ing– to acquire free food, beer, weed, ect. from regular folks by being friendly and employing various wiles/charms.