>>272468Well, if you ever do figure out where this post is talking about? It's in the Rademacher Hills, and there are about fifteen mines that will each take you a good day or-so to explore, within a couple-hundred feet of anywhere you'll park. Look for the gravel juts surrounding the entrances. There's usually barbed-wire, too, but it's fucked-to-hell by children. Just figure out where the trail-heads are, then drive every road around them that you possibly can (don't try it without something that can 4-wheel through sand). Seriously--the number of mine-shafts you can find that way? Totally ridiculous. Just don't be afraid of Hantavirus, cave-ins, radiation or getting shot. You'll be all-good. And, if you see flocks of sheep? Seriously--leave 'em alone. They belong to someone. And he'll shoot at you (generally, at least. I don't think he ever actually tried to hit us). This is also very-close to the Trona Pinnacles and Fossil Falls. So check those out if you want cool pumice or obsidian. You aren't allowed to take any, so don't, unless you care about doing things you're not supposed to that you'll never get caught for.