>>2738754>skunk sprays your faceUnlikely, more likely if you camp in chaparral or oak woodlands near a water source.
>bear eats your faceMuch more likely to get struck by lightning in the mountains during monsoons. Just stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings.
>jaguar eats your whole headSilly. But you can possibly be camping near one without knowing in some SE AZ sky islands, you probably won't see one. Bonus points if you see ringtail cats (not actually a cat) and coati, which are easier elusive creatures to come across.
>rodents get in your bag and nibble your junkLikeliest one so far, but only if you stay in one spot for a long enough time, like a few days to two weeks. Most likely culprits are squirrels and various kinds of mice.
>scorpionsLess likely than you think but most likely in the lower deserts and desert to grassland transition biomes. You can also find tarantulas and several kinds of centipedes easily even at higher elevations, not an issue but cool to find. All of them tend to come out at night or after summer rains or floods.
>rattlesnakesLikely anywhere below 6k ft but not an issue, and can be cool to encounter the various different kinds in AZ (at least 13 species).
>fire antsLikely, AZ has the most known ant species of any state, I've got like 10 different ant species hills and holes in my yard from big red ones that hurt like hell to itsy bitsy black ones. Not really an issue though unless you camp near some unknowingly or leave sweets out overnight.
Other than that, some canyons with water can be very buggy and you might get inhale some flying insects by accident. And always check the weather beforehand and be prepared for it to change quickly and forecasts to be off a bit during monsoons.