[66 / 8 / ?]
Quoted By: >>2741980 >>2742018 >>2742648 >>2742677 >>2742678 >>2742680 >>2742687 >>2744647 >>2746380 >>2746933 >>2746934 >>2747014 >>2747462 >>2748231 >>2748252 >>2748557
>is the actual final boss of insects outdoors
>makes ticks look like fucking saints in comparison
>much smaller than ticks, your leg hairs won't sense them crawling
>impossible to spot unless you are actively looking closely for them
>by the time you realize you're bitten hours later, they're already long gone, you have no idea where you got them from
>never just one, usually half a dozen bites at least
>usually on your feet which slows the healing process even more
>bites are maddeningly itchy and disgusting, leak puss and blood, take weeks or months to heal, wounds are extremely easy to reopen and the whole process starts over
>the worst part, only those who have had experienced the misery will know the truth about them, meanwhile the tick wrongfully gets all the negative attention
Every tickpost here and elsewhere is another opportunity wasted to warn the people of the TRUE enemy. I envy the person whose biggest issue with the outdoors is ticks who are literally harmless by comparison. Pray you never end up having to learn the truth about chiggers. PRAY that the tick continues to be your biggest fear.
>makes ticks look like fucking saints in comparison
>much smaller than ticks, your leg hairs won't sense them crawling
>impossible to spot unless you are actively looking closely for them
>by the time you realize you're bitten hours later, they're already long gone, you have no idea where you got them from
>never just one, usually half a dozen bites at least
>usually on your feet which slows the healing process even more
>bites are maddeningly itchy and disgusting, leak puss and blood, take weeks or months to heal, wounds are extremely easy to reopen and the whole process starts over
>the worst part, only those who have had experienced the misery will know the truth about them, meanwhile the tick wrongfully gets all the negative attention
Every tickpost here and elsewhere is another opportunity wasted to warn the people of the TRUE enemy. I envy the person whose biggest issue with the outdoors is ticks who are literally harmless by comparison. Pray you never end up having to learn the truth about chiggers. PRAY that the tick continues to be your biggest fear.