used to go fishing at the exact same spot, and there was a little couple of ducks, would always stop casting whenever they were anywhere near
then theese little fucks started havin chick, becoming super agressive, chasing away my favourite little duck couple minding their own buissness, other rapist male ducks, a small sinker with an accurate cast would stop that from shore real quick.
then they had ducklings at the pack where i fished so i left them alone until they atched, but then begane pike season.
so with all my autistic dedication, i was down their every fucking day, taking pikes, not killing them, but harrasing mom to go the fuck away from my ducks, it worked, succesfully raised
kid you not, for the next 3 years i did the same thing, the male and female duck would eventually get so trusting with me they would just chill on the shore with me, then, they stopped showing up, propbably someones dog, a fox or something, but i know, their DNA is stil in the area and that makes me happy