>>2751705Well, let me tell you.
As a Swede I'm used to the "gentle" slopes of the fjäll. It has its own challenges and pains, mostly because of the heavy pack wearing you down. It can be quite tough, but you just keep walking.
So when I visited Germany I had the idea of traversing Mount Watzman. It will be a long day, but how hard can it be? I chose a day with nice weather, clear blue sky, no wind and about 30c. With some climbing gear and a few liters of water I left early in the morning.
This became one of the hardest things I've done. I'm not the fittest guy and I wasn't prepared for non stop elevation, with zero meters of flat ground to catch my breath and the heat was killing me.
Eventually I made it up to the watzman house a drank a beer before trying to at least make it to the first peak, as the plans of traversing were scrapped.
I made it half way up until it became a bit too steep and you have to use your hands. With the scorching sun I figured it would be unwise to continue and frankly I was rather demoralized.
Of course, as I started to make my way down my knees started to hurt, so now I had 2-3h of scorching sun, knees hurting every step and I had to take a shit.
At one point I just wanted to sit down and cry, but that won't get you anywhere.
Back at the hostel i laid down in the bed, sunburned, hurting and just out of it. Then I hear typical southern German (march/polka/waltz) music playing, they had small scene outside and a band was playing. Which felt a bit surreal in that moment.
I hope to make the traverse one day and do it like the smart people, divide it in two days and walk up to the house in the afternoon noon.