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No.2756957 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /out/.

Newb needs advice on layering the insides of a hammock for camping through the night.

> Eas- Central Europe, German-Poland Baltic coast.
> Climate is temperate summer, nights around 15-22 C/55-70 F.
> Weather forecast is mostly useless, rain and thunderstorms can happen early, late, not at all, or out of nowhere.
> Humid af, some swamps/marshes.
> Boars. A fuckton of boars acclimated to humans and human trash.

I'm gonna spend one night in the forest, starting small.
Most of my gear is going to dirt cheap Chinesium because I'm poor as fuck. I want to get a tarp+hammock+insect net combo, but I have no idea what's next.

Should I get a foam mat? Aren't those too rigid to go into a hammock?
Would a sleeping bag be enough?
I do have a fairly lightweight wool blanket from commie times that I could dig up, recon that would be useful?

Any other relevant info you can share will be appreciated.