>>2758969>>2758970as for the possible murder.
I'm from southern Germany, not to far from the border to France and way back when I was just 18 and got my driver's license I took my shitty Fiat Punto and a buddy to go on a road trip to France.
I don't speak a word of France and my guy spoke the tiniest bit.
we'd basically just drive around for a couple of days somehow sleeping in the car. we checked out some castles and nature sites but we didn't really follow a plan or anything.
mind you in Europe basically anything fun is illegal and sleeping in your car might not be strictly illegal but people don't like teen age boys car camping around them so we did our best to sleep far out if sight from anybody.
one day we "set up camp" for the night.
so we basically just drove down some dirt roads till we were far away from the main road.
we were in a very rural border region so there weren't many people around anyway.
after some snacks and some wine we called it a night and somehow tried to sleep in the tiniest car ever.
next thing I know is we both jolt awake because we heard a loud bang.
we made fun about someone just being shot.
it was like 3 am so we decided to try to sleep again.
but suddenly we see lights on the main road and a car comes blasting down the road, it suddenly stops in the middle of the road, reverses a couple meters and comes down the dirt road we parked on and parks pretty much right besides us.
they throw open their doors and the guy from the front passenger side door comes over and bangs on our window.
the guys look like some sort of stereotypical European hood rats, in Adidas track suits, gold chains, tribals shaved into their hair ( that was like 2005 or something) and the guy in the back seat has a large white pitbull between his legs.
we roll down the windows and the guy basically screams at us in French.
I'm pretty much dying in this second and we both just stare at the dude and I say some thing like " do you speak English?".