[27 / 7 / ?]
The mods on /pol/ are compromised and clearly serve the Eastern Grey Squirrel agenda just like the squirrel mods on youtube.
Please help me learn how to butcher and prepare squirrel so I can cook this fat idiot that keeps eating my heirloom tomatoes in a soup with the same tomatoes he loves to devour every day. He's literally obese now and he doesn't eat anything else, he's always just eating my tomatoes, also there's so many of them around and they end up as roadkill because the birds of prey and the the cats aren't doing their job despite being very much present. They're also damaging all the trees around me badly. He's grown so fat and decadent off of my tomatoes he'll be an easy kill, I keep chasing him away from tomatoes and taking the tomatoes he picks though sometimes he runs up a tree with the tomato without dropping it.
I'm going to give this squirrel a talking to explaining the situation telling him he can have the sunflower seeds and offering them to him but if he touches my tomatoes he's going to become the meat in my next tomato soup just to be fair but if he keeps doing what he's doing it's war. Any other squirrels that come along and start eating my tomatoes will get the same treatment too.
Please help me learn how to butcher and prepare squirrel so I can cook this fat idiot that keeps eating my heirloom tomatoes in a soup with the same tomatoes he loves to devour every day. He's literally obese now and he doesn't eat anything else, he's always just eating my tomatoes, also there's so many of them around and they end up as roadkill because the birds of prey and the the cats aren't doing their job despite being very much present. They're also damaging all the trees around me badly. He's grown so fat and decadent off of my tomatoes he'll be an easy kill, I keep chasing him away from tomatoes and taking the tomatoes he picks though sometimes he runs up a tree with the tomato without dropping it.
I'm going to give this squirrel a talking to explaining the situation telling him he can have the sunflower seeds and offering them to him but if he touches my tomatoes he's going to become the meat in my next tomato soup just to be fair but if he keeps doing what he's doing it's war. Any other squirrels that come along and start eating my tomatoes will get the same treatment too.