>>2773610povidoneiodine,,,getit by the gallonathe feedstore,,, works Greaton open sores, medical stuff., righthand gets glove for sterility.,
,,,,take dead yack( killed by waterbuffalo) to glue factory,,, see horse in pen belly down waiting his turn,,had been abused/smallstall/wetmud/bad saddle sores,supersweet, they were retisanto kill him.,
,,,’howabout we justrade,,,shuffle him knee crawl into trailer,,putin gravel stall,,clean rotten hooves,,soakin meds.,
,,next day hestanding,, month later hear night thunder, thatsodd?noclouds?,booOOOM!, Jacson Roars up!,sniff hand and Blasts across field!!THUNDER!,
,,,monthslater,,,hear truck Screeeeech Stop on road,,,little lady bolting to fence and vaults fence beelines to Jacson,,wraps around him like necklace!!?,
,,year before she failed big investing and had to sell everything,, Jacson to Bad cowboys who abused him.,
,,,nextday showsup with Amazing horse trailer,,,takes him to new home,big carved wood barn with horse showers and Everything!!,
,,,way better then the shack I livedin?!
,lucky boy.