>>2776710Thanks for the reply my retarded urbanite friend. The typo you've made leaves your post up to interpretation, but my best guess is that you meant "would" where you typed "wound" and you think rural cops are more likely to beat you.
I personally spend a lot of time in rural areas (rather than confidently speculating from muh safe populated area) and my experiences with ruraloid cops have been respectful and professional, but of course I am also respectful and professional with them.
The reason I posted my question (posed to actual trainhoppers btw) was to discuss whether hopping a train changes this dynamic or whether the cops will still treat you humanely if you act human. Which, not to bootlick or anything, they usually will in most situations.
Please reply about cops beating poor innocent civilians but leave out the part where the innocent victim grabs their taser or rolls up their tinted window in the cops' face first
All this is not to say that some cops aren't dickheads, and some whole departments deeply corrupt. But your assertion that getting caught trainhopping in a less populated area by police means you'll be beaten by them is extremely /in/ and city-brained. You should stay in NYC because the Deliverance movie was set in nature, and that is scary.
Where's that meme about the redditor having panic attacks when he leaves population centers when I need it?