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I want to wander

No.2784670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello anons, Floridian /g/ tourist here.
I want to wander around the Appalachian Mountains for a few days, in the snow. I am fucking tired of the heat. I am fucking tired of people. I literally just want to wander around in freezing cold snow, alone, for a week or so, living off the land.
Preferably I would like to avoid people as much as possible. I want to learn land navigation. I also want to bring a gun, shoot an animal, and eat it.
My questions are:
>how feasible is this for someone who has never been on a REAL /out/ trip aside from camping with his dad as a kid and hiking preapproved trails?
>what skills do I need to learn, regulations do i need to read, and equipment i need to bring to ensure that I don't suffer death, grievous bodily harm, and/or arrest during this trip?
>where should I go? my only stipulation is that there is snow present. I want to do this november or december.